
Syllabus : 

  1. Introduction on CPP programming environmentHistory of CPP language, Software tools required for programming in CPP, Comparison with C programming language, etc. In this session, you will have a complete overview of CPP language.
  2. Fundamentals of OOPConcepts of objects & classes, data members, methods, encapsulation, information hiding, cin & cout objects, Formatting and I/O manipulators, New and delete operators, etc.
  3. Classes and ObjectsAccess specifiers, Inline functions, Static data members & member functions, 'this' pointer, Constructors, Destructors, Friend function, Array of objects, Pointers of objects, etc.
  4. Operator OverloadingIntroduction, Need of operator overloading, Overloading the assignment, Binary and unary operators, Overloading using friends, Rules for operator overloading and Type conversions.
  5. Inheritance and PolymorphismBase and derived classes, Friend classes, Types of inheritance, Member access control, Static class, Virtual base class, Polymorphism, virtual functions, pure virtual functions, abstract class, Virtual destructors, Early & late binding, container classes, etc.
  6. TemplatesFunction & class templates, member function & argument templates, Generic Programming, Standard Template Library, Containers, Iterators, container template classes for vectors and stacks and related algorithms.
  7. File Handling

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