Syllabus :
- Introduction on CPP programming environmentHistory of CPP language, Software tools required for programming in CPP, Comparison with C programming language, etc. In this session, you will have a complete overview of CPP language.
- Fundamentals of OOPConcepts of objects & classes, data members, methods, encapsulation, information hiding, cin & cout objects, Formatting and I/O manipulators, New and delete operators, etc.
- Classes and ObjectsAccess specifiers, Inline functions, Static data members & member functions, 'this' pointer, Constructors, Destructors, Friend function, Array of objects, Pointers of objects, etc.
- Operator OverloadingIntroduction, Need of operator overloading, Overloading the assignment, Binary and unary operators, Overloading using friends, Rules for operator overloading and Type conversions.
- Inheritance and PolymorphismBase and derived classes, Friend classes, Types of inheritance, Member access control, Static class, Virtual base class, Polymorphism, virtual functions, pure virtual functions, abstract class, Virtual destructors, Early & late binding, container classes, etc.
- TemplatesFunction & class templates, member function & argument templates, Generic Programming, Standard Template Library, Containers, Iterators, container template classes for vectors and stacks and related algorithms.
- File Handling
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