Advance Java

Advance java programming
Course content:-
1.     Java database connectivity
Ø  JDBC  product
Ø  Types of drivers
Ø  Two-tier client/server model
Ø  Three-tier client/server model
Ø  Basic steps of JDBC
Ø  Creating and executing  SQL statement
Ø  The result set object
Ø  Working with database metadata
Ø  Interface

2.    Servlets
Ø  Servlets  interaction & advanced servlets
Ø  Life cycle of servlets
Ø  Java servlets development kit
Ø  Javax.servlet  package
Ø  Reading servet parameters
Ø  Reading initialization parameters
Ø  The javax.servlet.http package
Ø  Handling http

3.    Java server pages
Ø  Jsp technologies
Ø  Understanding the client-server model
Ø  Understanding web server software
Ø  Configuring the jsp server
Ø  Handling jsp errors
Ø  Jsp translation time errors
Ø  Jsp request time errors
Ø  Creating a jsp error page

4.    Rmi
Ø  Rmi architecture
Ø  Designing rmi application
Ø  Executing rmi application

5.    Ejb
Ø  Types of enterprise java beans
Ø  Session bean & entity bean
Ø  Features of session bean
Ø  Life-cycle of stateful session bean
Ø  Features of entity bean
Ø  Life-cycle of  session bean
Ø  Features of entity bean
Ø  Life-cycle of entity bean
Ø  Container-managed transactions
Ø  Bean-managed transactions
Ø  Implementing a container-manged  entity bean
6.    Xml
Ø  What is xml?
Ø  Xml syntax rules
7.    Structs
Ø  Introduction to the apache struts
Ø  Mvc architecture
Ø  Struts architecture
Ø  How struts works?
Ø  Introduction to the struts controller
Ø  Introduction to the struts action class
Ø  Using struts action from class
Ø  Using struts html tags
Ø  Introduction to struts validator framework
Ø  Client side address validation in struts
Ø  Custom validators example
Ø  Developing application with struts tiles

8.    Hibernate
Ø  Introduction to hibernate 3.0
Ø  Hibernate architecture
Ø  First hibernate application

Best JAVA Coaching in Indrapuri Bhopal.